Attention postmenopausal women age 50+ with Osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis Research Studies are enrolling now.

Those who qualify may receive*:

  • Payment up to $500, which varies by study
  • Study-related care at no cost from local doctors
  • Study medication at no cost

Plus, no cost to you.
No health insurance or referral needed

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Osteoporosis is a disease that cause bones to become weak and brittle over time. It is known as a silent disease, because there are usually no symptoms until you fracture or break a bone.

  • Osteoporosis is typically caused by hormonal changes or a deficiency of calcium or vitamin D. Women who have gone through menopause are at higher risk of osteoporosis due to the loss of estrogen.
  • Right now, local doctors are evaluating a new form of an already FDA-approved medication to test its ability to rebuild bone and reduce risk of fractures. There is no chance of receiving an inactive form of medication in the studies – participants receive either the approved form or the study medication, a patch.

If you are seeking options for managing your bone health, considering joining a clinical trial. There is no cost to participate, and you do not need health insurance.

* In a research study, the participants may receive investigational study product or may receive an inactive substance, or placebo, depending on the study design. Participants receive study-related care from a doctor/research team for the duration of the study. For studies that offer compensation, reasonable payments will be made for participation. The length of the study may vary.

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AcurianHealth helps connect people with research studies that offer treatment under development. Since 1998, AcurianHealth has referred 1 million study candidates to 800 studies in 70 countries.